
Maple candy that melts in your mouth!

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SKU: NovaMaple-Candy Category:
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Comments (182)

  1. Holly Nightingale says:

    I received a one pound box of candies at Christmas. That are now drying out. Exp date was 2/13/23. What can I do with these ? Melt them down? Wet them? Use in cooking?
    Thank you

    • You could do any of those things once they start drying out. If you add at moisture to them, it should be right before consuming them, don’t add moisture and then let them sit.

  2. Kenneth Maull says:

    Do you ship to England UK?

  3. Mike L Chapman says:

    Just wanted to take a moment to let you know my daughter ordered me a box of these candies for Fathers Day. I’ve been a long fan of Maple Candies, specifically Maple Sugar candies, since I was a youth growing up in WV (now reside in FL.). Over my 55+ yrs of life consuming these, I must tell you these are the best I’ve ever had, job well done! I just ordered another pound from Amazon and look forward to refueling my never-ending Maple Sugar cravings. R/Mike C.

  4. Laura Amos says:

    I would like around 300-325 candies for an event September 12..High Point NC…bulk is great..Is that a possibility? With Appreciation, Laura

  5. Allison Puketza says:

    My sister and I came for a visit about two years ago in the fall. We were taken on a tour and had a great time. I loved the candies, and after they dried out a tiny bit, (because I left them forever), as soon as I put them in my mouth, they melted. May have taken point five seconds longer. But boy howdy. Are they good!