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Motor Upgrades

02/04/2025 | Posted by jake |

Last summer we upgraded the pump motors at Brass road. The existing motors were purchased used and in rough shape, one ended up burning out and we were afraid the other would too in the middle of the season. The new motors (blue, only one shown) weigh almost double the old ones they replaced (black/light blue). At the same horsepower output it’s pretty safe to assume it’s built a little better! We’re happy to say that the new motors are both running properly right now. We had a small sap run last week and a good one yesterday, more sap coming Thursday!


2025 Tapping

01/20/2025 | Posted by jake |

It’s hard to believe we’re starting our tenth season! Last Wednesday we began drilling, and with the help of Jacob’s Maple Products we got 2/3rds of our taps in. We’re taking a break early this week while the temperatures are really low to catchup on some candy/inventory, then we’ll be back in the woods to finish things. This is the first winter in a long time where we’ve actually had low temperatures and snow, and the forecast doesn’t show a real thaw for a while. We’ll be ready whenever the sap starts flowing!



2025 Season Prep

01/07/2025 | Posted by jake |

The 2025 season is almost here. We’re busy installing new spouts and drop lines while repairing any new damage in the woods. This summer we rerouted several lines on the west side of our Robinson road property. 800 taps will now be connected to an electric releaser with a heated box instead of a mechanical releaser, which often malfunctioned at the most inconvenient times. Last year, we had a great success with our 3,000 test arc-barb spouts, so we’ve decided to install them on all our taps. This season we’ll try 2,100 antimicrobial spiles on the west side of Robinson. With nine years of sap collection history we should have a good idea if it makes a difference relative to the east side of the property. We’re also trying 8,000 antimicrobial drop lines. They may not show any additional benefits this year, but we hope they’ll maintain their performance longer than traditional drop lines as they age. January’s weather forecast continues to look cold, we’ll most likely start tapping next week!