2025 Season Update #1
The 2025 season has just about mirrored the 2021/2022 seasons, a cold winter with an extreme warmup in March. We’ve made around 2/3rds of a crop so far in a short two week period. It’s hard to predict where the season will go now, our extended forecast shows some ~28° nights coming, which may or may not be cold enough to rejuvenate the trees and extend the season.
This year we completely switched over to arc-barb spouts from middle valley maple. The good part is that we think they produce around 25% more sap compared to conventional spouts. The bad news is that a large number have been heaving out of the trees, dropping our vacuum levels. It’s very frustrating to walk 250+ acres and achieve high vacuum just to watch it slowly drop down ~0.5″Hg every day. We’re still ahead but will have to figure out a different strategy next year.
All of our vacuum pump changes and sap filter are performing great this year. Our Robinson sugar bush improvements have mostly worked as planned, but on Monday we’re swapping out the 20GPM 1/2HP deep well pump in the new releaser with the 10GPM version. A combination of elevation gain, 3/4″ transfer line friction, and atmosphere to vacuum pressure have put the current pump at the edge of its capabilities, causing intermittent failure. In addition to the new pump being rated for an additional 50′ of head, the lower flow rate will reduce the friction in the 3/4″ mainline by 61′. Switching to 1″ mainline over 500′ of distance would have reduced friction loss by 61′, but the pump change is the easier and quicker choice for us right now. Sometimes I forget that I was an engineer before maple farmer!