
100% Pure Pennsylvania Maple Syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-HalfGallonSplit Category:
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Reply to Hailee Leveto

Comments (66)

  1. Martie Campbell says:

    Would you be kind enough to send me a wholesale list. We would be interested in using your maple syrup in our restaurant. Thank you

  2. Clara DeWitt says:

    Am trying to submit an order…cannot get to my cart…should have three items in it…can you assist?


    Send the use of Maple syrup

    • Hi Hansraj,
      Maple syrup can be used for a lot of different things. The most traditional use is on waffles and pancakes, but it can be used in baking and cooking as well. You can use it for meat marinades, on top of yogurt or oatmeal, in coffee…
      If you do a quick google search you are sure to find countless recipes.

  4. Rickie Bansbach says:

    I first bought a quart bottle of your syrup on Amazon and am now coming directly to your store to get more. It’s so good! I’ve recommended it over and over.

    • Thank you, Rickie! We greatly appreciate you seeking out our website as opposed to ordering on Amazon, it really makes a difference to a small business like us! We also love to hear about people recommending us to their friends!

  5. Fcgt says:

    I first purchased your syrup from Amazon, however, I prefer to purchase directly from you and support your effort.