
Maple sugar made from 100% pure Pennsylvania maple syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-Sugar48TEMP Category:
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Reply to Nancy

Comments (75)

  1. Nancy says:

    Do you need to refrigerate the maple sugar after the jar is opened? Thanks

  2. Anne says:

    I have purchased the 12 ounce containers of maple sugar from Amazon three times. The first time I bought it, there was a shaker top, which was very convenient for adding the sugar to foods such as butternut squash before roasting. I could just shake it across the baking pan. The last two times I’ve bought the product, there was no shaker top. The first time, I thought perhaps it was an error, but now I have bought a second Container with no shaker. Please return the shaker top to the 12 ounce maple sugar container. Thanks.

    • Hi Anne, thanks for your input. We ended up switching a few years ago due to supply chain issues during COVID. We will be using the white solid caps for the foreseeable future but will check availability when we run out of them.