
Maple sugar made from 100% pure Pennsylvania maple syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-Sugar48TEMP Category:
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Comments (75)

  1. Julie Frank says:

    I purchased your maple sugar (12 oz) on Amazon. While I love this product, I wish you put shaker tops on your jars. It would be more user friendly

    • Hi Julie, thanks for your feedback. We have actually experimented with shaker tops in the past and found that maple sugar has too much moisture in it (like brown sugar) and would clump up near the holes.

  2. Denise Beverly says:

    I just found a container of your maple sugar that only God knows how long ago I bought it. But, the best by date is Jan of 2024. I had opened it at some point but it has been closed up since. Is it still safe to use?? Thank you.

  3. Denise Beverly says:

    sorry, ignore my question, I found the answer further back in the comments. thanks

  4. David Lee says:

    I’ve been using your maple sugar for a couple of years now. I make a maple cream fudge using an old (Canadian) family recipe. I’m wondering if there is a big variance between different maple sugars? I noticed this year that the flavor is lighter but maybe that’s my 65 yr old taste buds? I imagine making the maple sugar using grade B would give a stronger flavor? Thanks for doing what you do and for making it so available via Amazon.

    • Hi David,
      First of all, that sounds delicious!! And yes you’re right, we make our sugar in batches and sometimes with different grades of syrup (all grade A, but sometimes it’s closer to Golden and sometimes Amber), which can account for the difference in color/strength of flavor of the sugar. Thanks for reaching out!

  5. CDR says:

    Can you please tell me how many grams of Nova Maple Sugar there is in 1 tsp.?