
100% Pure Pennsylvania Maple Syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-HalfGallonSplit Category:
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Comments (66)

  1. Nee Klein says:

    Does The Syrup Have to be Refrigerated and If So When, After it is Opened? or always? If I decant a smaller Quantity from The Gallon Container, how or CAN I? How do I store the Remainder of Syrup without Requiring Refrigeration?

    • We recommend refrigerating the syrup after it is opened (seal broken), especially if it is a larger container and will be used over a longer period of time. You can absolutely pour some syrup into a smaller container to be kept at room temperature for use in the immediate future, keeping the larger container in the fridge.

  2. Saadat khan says:

    i like maple syrup.

  3. Neil Jones says:

    Do you use formaldehyde pellets in the tapping process.

  4. Al Everett says:

    First purchase online – Thanks for making this product available !