
100% Pure Pennsylvania Maple Syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-HalfGallonSplit Category:
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Comments (66)

  1. Marty Early says:

    I like your prices.

  2. kit steele says:

    I’m a diabetic do u have any suggestions?

  3. Bentley Cushing-murray says:

    Anything in a glass receptacle?

  4. Robin says:

    Hello, love your maple syrup! Do you offer a bulk price for 5 gallons?
    Hey Jesse!! It’s been a long time since you were in Charlotte. Miss you and your knowledge!
    Scott and Robin

  5. Fred Merrill says:

    We are most familiar with Amber and Light Amber syrups from upstate NY. How does your Golden and Amber compare ( Golden = Light Amber e.g.)?