
Maple sugar made from 100% pure Pennsylvania maple syrup

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Comments (75)

  1. Hello,
    Do you offer wholesale pricing to businesses?
    Thank you!

  2. Brenda says:

    What is the shelf life of the maple sugar products, please?

    • jake says:

      Hi Brenda, Just replied to your wholesale message. We put three years on our sugar shelf life, it’s sort of like brown sugar where it can dry out and clump up a little bit over time depending on how it’s stored. It never really goes “bad”, it can just dry out over time, usually more once opened compared to being sealed

  3. Bob McCaulely says:

    Does anyone still make HARD maple sugar blocks? The kind where you just chip off a piece like knapping a piece of flint?

    • From a quick search online, it looks like there are a few businesses that sell this, calling it an “old-fashioned” maple block. You are actually the second person to ask about this, so we are looking into it. Thanks for your comment!

      • Jennifer Smith says:

        I’m looking for something similar, except instead of a block, it’s 3″ (roughly, it’s been a few years since I’ve seen it) diameter puck-shaped hard maple candy, you have to suck on it to eat, if you try to bite it you might hurt yourself haha. I’ve found it at 2 different festivals, except of course, the 2nd time I went the candy was nowhere to be found.

        • Hi Jennifer,
          We don’t have a product like that at this point in time. Unfortunately we won’t have time to get something like that to market in the near future due to how busy we are with holiday sales, but if you keep an eye on our social media/blog, we will certainly post when we do! Thanks for your interest.

  4. Paul LaRocque says:

    I would like to buy 1 litre of maple butter please and have it shipped to my home. When I hit your magnifying lens, it wouldn’t let me search for it.

    Please advise. I am looking for this to be shipped 2-3x per year.

    Merry Christmas!


  5. Patricia says:


    • Once you have the size of sugar selected in the drop down menu as well as the quantity (1), you click the purple “add to cart” button. Once you do that, a banner appears above showing a green check mark, and a grey button to “view cart”. Click that, and you will be able to check out from there.