
100% Pure Pennsylvania Maple Syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-HalfGallonSplit Category:
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Comments (66)

  1. Sherii Stephens says:

    We will be visiting in July. Do you give tour in July? Is your store open in July and if so hours of operation. I love maple syrup and intrigued with your offerings. Thank, Sherii

    • We should be giving tours in July, yes. We usually put them on the airbnb experiences calendar a month or two ahead of time. We don’t exactly have a retail store on site, but we do have our products in stock and allow for people to make appointments to stop by to purchase. If you check back in with us closer to your visit, we can arrange something. Thanks for reaching out!

  2. Greg Grove says:

    Hello is there a discount for like 20 quarts and 10lbs of the maple creams

  3. Gaylon Harden says:

    Do you have light amber?

  4. TC Wong says:

    We would like to import maple syrup to Malaysia please contact me thank you

  5. Leah says:

    When do you.think you will have the Whiskey Smoked Stout back in stock.