
100% Pure Pennsylvania Maple Syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-HalfGallonSplit Category:
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Comments (66)

  1. Rebecca Atwood says:

    What kind of wood do you use for the boil off? In Vermont & NH, they use mostly maple. In West Virginia they use hickory. The wood used makes the flavors very different.

  2. John O'Master says:

    Is all your syrup single batch, or do you mix from various years and grades?

  3. Denise says:

    Which color has the richest maple flavor?

  4. Brent Goldstein says:

    Do you make a sugar free maple syrup?

  5. John O'Master says:

    Is your syrup single batch, or do you mix from year to year?

    • It is mostly single batch, however we will occasionally blend syrup if we need to for a specific purpose, such as making confections. It is all good quality syrup and from the same geographical region, though.