
100% Pure Pennsylvania Maple Syrup


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SKU: NovaMaple-HalfGallonSplit Category:
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Comments (66)

  1. Mark Ruttenberg says:

    We live in Conneaut Lake, actually about a mile from Hartstown, can we just come and buy syrup directly from you and pick it up ourselves?

    • You can certainly make an appointment to come purchase any of our products in person. Someone is almost always in the sugar shack during business hours, just let us know when you’d like to come by.

  2. Janet Gunning says:

    My neighbor won’t use anything but real maple syrup

  3. Keith Brown says:

    Got my first order of your syrup and Maple cream on Monday Dec 21st. Had the syrup on waffles this morning and it was just great!! Can’t wait to try the maple cream on some warm brownies later. You have a new customer for life!!

  4. Bob Coleman says:

    Nova Grades: “All grades are 67% sugar, 33% water, and have the same thickness and sweetness.”
    No List of Ingredients appears on your labels. The word “Pure” suggests that nothing is added to the distilled sap.
    Are you saying that the Ingredients are: Sugar from sap (67%) and Water from sap (33%)?
    Is the original Maple tree sap filtered?

    • You are correct, Bob. The only ingredient for our syrup is maple sap, boiled down to the percentages you list above. The sap is filtered as it comes to our sugar shack, again through the Reverse Osmosis process prior to boiling, and a final time after it has been boiled into maple syrup.

  5. Wild Bill Turkey says:

    Which is darker, Golden or Amber?