Nova Blog

Sugar Containers

09/05/2023 | Posted by jake |

We just received our sugar containers for the next year or two. This is the first time we’ve shipped a full tractor trailer, the lower freight helps keep our costs and prices low. When we first started we bought from two distributors in Ohio and would drive over and pick up the pallets ourselves, but the last few years we’ve been buying direct from the manufacturer in Florida.


New Vacuum Pumps

08/23/2023 | Posted by jake |

Last year we had a vacuum pump and motor go bad, our backup became our dedicated system halfway through the season. This summer we found two great deals on slightly used Busch pumps. The model 1144 was actually brand new, but its motor was only 3HP/1800RPM. We swapped it out with a new 5.5HP/3600RPM motor and it runs great. Both 1320 models were configured with integrated drives, setup for 480V/three-phase/4200RPM. We found that by using our own drive at 240V they can safely run at 3000RPM without overloading the motor, we’ll use these as-is.

Instead of leaving these pumps in storage for later use, we’re going to hook them up in three of our four sugar bushes. The additional pumping capacity will raise our vacuum levels during heavy sap runs where the trees outgas too much air. The pumps can then be turned off during freeze ups to save power. If any of our pumps fail in the future then the second pump will get us through the season at the same vacuum level we’ve had each of the past eight seasons.


Foundation for Sustainable Forests

08/11/2023 | Posted by jake |

One of the local non-profit organizations we support is the Foundation for Sustainable Forests, based out of Spartansburg PA. Here’s a quick description of what they do and a link to their site

“As a nonprofit land trust, the Foundation for Sustainable Forests protects and stewards over 2,300 acres of working woodlands through direct ownership or a conservation easement with a forest management component. These lands serve the community in perpetuity- supporting the rural economy through sustainable forestry and providing critical services such as clean air and water, and recreational opportunities for the public to enjoy.  As part of our commitment to the community, our properties remain on the tax rolls and support rural jobs in the sustainable timber and land stewardship industry.   ”



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