Checkout our Bourbon Barrel Aged syrup, available now in person and on Amazon/eBay! We’ll have all of our products available at the Crawford Country Fair starting tomorrow (more details on that soon).

Amazon – Barrel Aged Syrup

eBay – Barrel Aged Syrup

Posted in News/Blog


Comments (2)

  1. Anthony says:

    Just curious as to the process you use to age the syrup in the bourbon barrel?? I grew up making maple syrup and have bourbon barrels. I would like to try but am not sure on the entire process. Just the basic would be appreciated! Thanks for any info.

    • jake says:

      Hi Anthony, All we do is fill the barrel with syrup and wait! We did six months in the refrigerator at 45° for our first batch, but I think temperatures around 50-60 might increase the taste and reduce aging time. Our second batch is aging now but the barrel has already lost some if its taste, so we may have to trade in our barrels for new ones. Good luck!